What is the difference between Loop, Resistance (Pull Up) and Tube Bands

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Loop Bands

Loop bands are small bands made from natural rubber latex that can be used to increase strength and build individual muscles as well as muscle groups. The loop bands are 30cm in length (doubled), Circumference is 60cm. Our basic loop bands include 5 bands of different resistance levels (extra-light, light, medium, heavy, extra-heavy). A lightweight and versatile product which when used correctly can improve strength, muscular endurance and postural balance. We sell fabric bands also (set of 3) varying resistance levels with a highly durable, comfortable and non-roll bands. These are great activation aids for stabilization muscle groups, and can safeguard against injury while improving strength.

Resistance Bands (Pull Up Assistance Bands)

Pull up bands are great for working your way up maximise bodyweight exercises, like building to a full un-assisted pullup. Pull-ups are one of the best ways to build your back and biceps, and the bands are best used wrapped around a pull-up bar and then around your knees to help provide assistance. The stronger the band the more assistance it can provide, alternatively, if you are using it for body weight exercises to add resistance it works opposite (lighter the resistance the easier)

These bands can also be used as strength bands, which are generally referring to using the bands for adding resistance to the barbell or bodyweight exercises such as a push up or squat. Resistance bands are great for creating that tension for both the concentric and eccentric phases of exercise.

Tube Bands

Resistance Tube bands, unlike the loop and pull up assist bands: Not a continuous loop, each end of the tube has a handle. These bands are great for pull and push exercises. The RPM Unbreakable Resistance Tube Bands come in various resistance: extra light (10lbs / 4.5kg), light (20lbs / 10kg), medium (30lbs / 13.5kg), heavy (40lbs / 18kg) and extra heavy (50lbs / 22.5kg), ideal for progressive overload. Includes 5 x natural stretch, anti-snap resistance bands, 2 x comfortable foam handles, 2 x Velcro ankle straps, 1 x door anchor and 1 x convenient travel bag for on-the-go workouts.

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