Stay Safe at Work with Powerball


Pain and injuries from repetitive movements in jobs requiring light manual labour can be debilitating and even threaten a person’s livelihood in severe cases. From working on an assembly line and driving to hairdressing and cooking, during our day-to-day jobs we rely on our hands and wrists much more than we think. Find out why Powerball has helped over 4 million people worldwide to stay healthy and strong both during and outside of the working day.

Rehabilitate RSI & Other InjuriesRelieve Wrist Hand & Finger PainStay Protected At WorkWarm Up During Periods of Inactivity


Rehabilitate RSI & Other Injuries

In the case of most jobs, if you’re suffering from RSI (repetitive strain injury) it’s not that easy to do as the doctor says and just “rest up for a couple of weeks”.

So what can you do to relieve pain, rehabilitate the condition and speed up recovery times?

One word – Powerball.

Powerball promotes the flow of healing, oxygen-rich nutrients to sore muscles, tendons and bones, where they quickly repair any damage. Simply spinning Powerball for a few minutes a day, even at slow speeds, is enough to rehabilitate an injury, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, tennis elbow or other RSIs.

What’s important to note is that exercise with Powerball is 100% non-impact. This means that Powerball use doesn’t stretch the muscle, but rather stimulate it. Simulation of the muscle doesn’t hurt, even if that muscle is sore – so you can use Powerball to rehabilitate your injury without worrying about pain or causing further damage.


Relieve Wrist Hand & Finger Pain

Powerball is the only device you need for effective wrist pain relief. Spin Powerball for just a couple of seconds and feel an immediate improvement as it soothes and relieves pain not only in your wrist, but along the entire kinetic chain of the arm.

Powerball works because it massively increases circulation and promotes the flow of oxygen throughout your entire upper body. This increase in oxygen relieves pain almost instantly providing you with fast and effective relief. Make nagging wrist pain a thing of the past – Powerball is a fast and effective wrist pain remedy with long-term results. Pick up a Powerball and experience the benefits for yourself today.


Stay Protected At Work & Home

Cutting hair from awkward positions; assembly-line operators repeating identical tasks over and over; chefs cutting piles and piles of onions; cleaners…shop-assistants…waiters…– many jobs result in daily overuse of body parts leading to micro-tearing in the muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves. Cumulative tearing over time leads to inflammation in the soft tissue – scar tissue forms, blood flow reduces and stiffness with restricted joint movement brings pain and discomfort in the wrists and arms.

That is why is it SO important to keep your upper-body limbs loose, strong and supple while you work. Strong and supple hands, wrists and forearms won’t succumb to strain as easily and are less at risk of injury. Powerball is about the size of a tennis ball, yet it can train your arms and wrist so that they are strong and healthy – always. Simply grasp Powerball firmly in your hand, rotate your wrists in a circular movement and feel the power start to build…


Warm Up During Periods of Inactivity

Inactivity of the limbs is another major cause of work-related injury.

Activities where your hands and wrists are kept stationary or are only carrying out small movements for long periods of time can cause reduced blood flow and stiffness. That’s why it is so important to take a break every 40 minutes or so. Stretching and shaking out your hand will get the blood flowing for a few seconds, but it isn’t really enough. That’s where Powerball comes in.

Powerball is like high-intensity exercise for your hands, wrists and forearms. Spinning Powerball for as little as 30 seconds at regular intervals throughout the day is enough to boost circulation in the hand and keep any symptoms of stiffness or RSI at bay.


Warm Up During Periods of Inactivity

Inactivity of the limbs is another major cause of work-related injury.

Activities where your hands and wrists are kept stationary or are only carrying out small movements for long periods of time can cause reduced blood flow and stiffness. That’s why it is so important to take a break every 40 minutes or so. Stretching and shaking out your hand will get the blood flowing for a few seconds, but it isn’t really enough. That’s where Powerball comes in.

Powerball is like high-intensity exercise for your hands, wrists and forearms. Spinning Powerball for as little as 30 seconds at regular intervals throughout the day is enough to boost circulation in the hand and keep any symptoms of stiffness or RSI at bay.


Stay Safe at Work with Powerball.

Check out the pages below to see how Powerball can help keep you protected from an RSI injury at work:

Benefit from a healthier, pain-free working environment today with Powerball.

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